Laurie Leitch

Laurie Leitch, PhD, has been a practicing psychotherapist, clinical trainer, consultant, social entrepreneur, and researcher for more than 25 years. She is director of Threshold GlobalWorks, an organization dedicated to cultivating the social dimension of resilience in individuals and within communities, enterprises, and systems.

Committed to promoting workplaces and communities in which principled behavior and collaboration are the norm, Threshold GlobalWorks, has developed a neuroscience-based curriculum, Social Resilience Model (SRM) for building social resilience at the system’s level. The curriculum has been used in military, medical, educational, penal, and corporate settings nationally and internationally to promote positive and generative relationships among individuals and across disciplines as well as to improve cognitive, emotional, social, and physical health. SRM’s model is also being used in urban communities which have high rates of violence to build on community strengths and network diverse groups to enhance safety and sharing of resources.

Leitch has extensive experience in cross-cultural research and practice, and conducts training and research internationally on restoring resiliency after trauma. She has conducted clinical trainings at hospitals, social service agencies, conferences, and grassroots agencies, and has worked with victims of trauma and natural disaster in Thailand, China, Rwanda, Louisiana, and post-9/11 New York City.

Laurie Leitch at Omega