Abby Ruskey

Abby Ruskey

Abby Ruskey is a climate learning and action specialist from Olympia, Washington. Her work seeks to move people, organizations, and systems and to create resources for a just transition globally.

Ruskey serves as acting chair of the steering committee for the Climate Education, Outreach, and Stakeholders (ECOS) community, working to grow the ECOS network of networks and programs. With collaborators, she is creating the “Game Changer,” a GIS-powered, crowdsourcing, climate solutions tool and has worked to spur, secure, and implement Washington State’s K-12 ClimeTime climate education program. She has started a local Youth Education Communications Outreach network (YECO) and co-founded the Climate Reality Project speakers bureau in her community and county.

Ruskey also co-led the development of a professional development curriculum for teachers that focuses on solutions and tribal ecological knowledge, advised for Project Drawdown's "Drawdown Learn" strategy, and worked with scientists at the Stockholm Resilience Institute, Future Earth, Project Drawdown, and elsewhere to research and model the population scale where the greatest level of greenhouse gas reduction and carbon sequestration can happen the soonest.

She has served as president of the North American Association for Environmental Education, as executive director of the National EE Advancement project and E3 Washington, and as K-12 Coordinator for the Earth Day Network. 

Abby Ruskey at Omega