Typical methods of trauma treatment are changing from the traditional approach involving chemical treatments for the body and mind to a more holistic approach—treating the body, mind, and spirit. More and more, complementary and alternative therapies are helping those who suffer with post-traumatic stress. Along with yoga and mindfulness meditation, there are many other treatments now available—including acupuncture.
An acupuncture technique known as the NADA protocol specifically aims to relieve physical and emotional symptoms of trauma, and has been delivered after many tragedies and natural disasters by the nonprofit organization Acupuncturists Without Borders®.
Hoping to aid in relief efforts after hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, Diana Fried—who will be part of the Veterans, Trauma & Treatment Conference at Omega—founded Acupuncturists Without Borders®. The organization aims to offer free acupuncture treatment to anyone involved in tragedies or natural disasters, from evacuees to victims' families and first responders, relief workers and community members, as well as military personnel and veterans.
Acupuncturists who are part of Acupuncturists Without Borders® have worked in disaster areas and underserved communities offering community acupuncture healing in locations worldwide—including hundreds of people in Newtown, Connecticut, after the Sandy Hook shooting, as reported in this Daily News article, treating post-traumatic stress.
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