Wayne Dyer Still Has Messages for Us | Omega

Karen Noé, a psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer, talks about her experiences connecting to Wayne Dyer after his death in 2015.

On August 30, 2015, my daughter called to tell me she had just learned that Wayne had passed away in his sleep. I couldn’t believe it! I began to weep as if suffering the loss of my own best friend or family member. I couldn’t eat dinner that night. I was so upset that the world had lost this amazing man who had literally changed the Earth for the better with his uplifting teachings!

Just a month later, I was scheduled to speak about life after death at Hay House’s I Can Do It event in Orlando, Florida. I arrived a day early so that I could attend a tribute dedicated to Wayne. It was so beautiful, and yet very sad. His family members who were there seemed to be going through a difficult time. Although I’m sure they understood Wayne’s spirit was still around them, they were still going to miss his powerful physical presence very much.   

As I walked back to the hotel after this event, I spoke to Wayne inwardly. I requested that he be with me when I gave my speech a few days later, and asked him to give me a sign if he could really hear what I was saying to him. I then inquired, “How may I serve?” Almost immediately after asking this question, an incredible peaceful feeling enveloped me. I heard Wayne’s voice telling me that I was already serving.

Okay, I responded. Then “How may I serve...more?”

Signs & Messages from Wayne

When I arrived back at my room, I felt Wayne’s presence so strongly. I became aware of an itchiness on my torso and reached down to discover a random sticker that had somehow attached to the inside of my shirt. It said, “Disney World” in tiny letters on the bottom; however, I had not been there before this incident. My eyes grew large when I saw the real message: a huge W and small e. I then felt Wayne acknowledging that this was a sign from him, and I began to cry.

At first, I thought the W—e  were the first and last letters of his first name, and I kept thanking him for giving me such an incredible “without a doubt” sign. However, after a series of life-changing encounters since then, I’ve learned that the letters on the sticker meant so much more.

They were a symbol for the "We Consciousness."

Since his passing, Wayne has been coming through so many people around the world in dreams, thoughts, and miracles. He has been giving so many signs that it would take a book itself to contain them all.

My favorite occurred during this same Orlando I Can Do It event. While looking out the window of my hotel room, I saw the most incredible rainbow directly over the conference center where the authors were speaking. I knew right away that it was Wayne giving his family, friends, and fans another huge “without a doubt” sign, and I wondered which author was speaking at that time.

I looked at the program and saw that it was Anita Moorjani, whom Wayne had loved dearly and had actively promoted. Even though Wayne had left his physical body only a month prior to this incident, he had already been giving hundreds of these types of huge signs to people all over the world. It was truly incredible!           

Later, through synchronistic events, four members of the Dyer family set up an appointment to see me in New Jersey. In the weeks prior to that appointment, every time I walked my dog, Wayne would come through with powerful messages.

What is We Consciousness?

While Wayne comes through on his own, he also now works with a group of celestial beings called the We Guides that include Saint Francis of Assisi and many other angels and ascended masters. Wayne and the We Guides talk about the "We Consciousness," which incorporates the unity of everyone and everything, our divinity, the compassion for all life, and how what a person does to oneself or another affects the whole. These are messages of peace.

When his family members came to see me, Wayne was so excited to talk about the "We Consciousness" and what he was experiencing now, and he asked them if they wanted to hear about all of this or just personal messages. Of course, they all said they wanted to hear the personal messages!

I felt Wayne laugh because he wanted to share this profound information, but they wanted him to speak to each of them directly about “earthly” issues. Still, Wayne came through very strongly and spoke to each of them just the way he did when he was physically here.        

Since then, Wayne’s family and I have been texting, e-mailing, and speaking on the phone regularly. All the messages from Wayne are extremely specific and relevant to each of them. I am so humbled by this whole experience and delighted that I am able to hear what he is saying so clearly.

Never in my wildest dreams had I ever imagined I’d be one of the messengers for this amazing man!

Adapted from We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace by Karen Noé, Hay House, 2018.

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