About Omega

Executive Team

Robert "Skip" Backus
Chief Executive Officer
Robert "Skip" Backus is the chief executive officer of Omega Institute. For more than 20 years, he has played a leadership role at Omega as operations director and campus manager... Read More

Carla Goldstein
Carla Goldstein, JD, is president of Omega Institute and cofounder of the Omega Women's Leadership Center. An attorney with 25 years of experience in public interest... Read More

Meg Downey
Chief Marketing Officer
Meg Downey, chief marketing officer of Omega Institute, is a leading voice for the environment, education, and social causes. The former executive editor and editorial page editor of the...Read More

Veronica Fitzgerald
Chief Development Officer
Veronica Fitzgerald, an experienced leader in fundraising, communications, development, and campaign planning, is chief development officer of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. Former vice president for...Read More

Lois Guarino
Chief Experience Officer
Lois Guarino, Omega’s chief experience officer, brings the values of relational leadership to her work and is the first recipient of the staff-selected Compassionate Service Award... Read More

Joel Levitan
Chief Financial Officer
Joel Levitan, Omega’s chief financial officer, holds a degree in accounting and business administration and has worked as both a senior auditor and assistant comptroller in the banking and... Read More